Lesson 1
Essentials of Program Design Intro
Trevor, the presenter, introduces himself, the course outline, what you will learn, what it means to be an educated coach, and how all coaches are scientists.
Welcome to Essentials of Program Design, where you’ll learn the key principles of needs analysis, assessments, and exercise prescription to create personalized, effective fitness programs for your clients.
Trevor, the presenter, introduces himself, the course outline, what you will learn, what it means to be an educated coach, and how all coaches are scientists.
Explore what is included in a comprehensive assessment, the 5 components of health-related fitness, and discuss the importance of a proper needs analysis
Explore methods and appraoches to measure or predict muscular strength, including Everfits 1RM estimation.
Explore the FITT-VP principle of prescribing exercise. Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type, Volume & Progression.
Explore the importance and impact of rest time and how to prescribe rest based on bioenergetics and work to rest ratios.
Explore ancilliary topics of exercise prescription including; Set Progression, Tempo, Set Types on Everfit, Progressions & Regressions.
Explore what Tempo is and how to use it effectively.
Take a deep dive into Warm-Up sets, Drop sets, Failure sets, Supersets & Giant sets and how to program them on Everfit.
Explore different training models you can use for conditioning on Everfit including Max Reps, AMRAP Workout Sections, Timed Workout Sections, Interval Workout Sections & EMOM's.